2016 | 8:40 min | HD | Stereo
Writer / Director / Producer / Montage / Music: Brenda Lien
Two young women making videos for their YouTube channel, stuck in beauty-industry and product placement. Is it still a free medium or just a mere business infrastructure? A tyranny of clicks, likes and follower, a gamble with truths and authenticities.
Festivals (selection):
* European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, Germany, 2016
* Carrousel Int. du Film de Rimouski, Canada, 2016
* Tallgrass Film Festival, USA, 2016
* Film Kunst Tage Sachsen-Anhalt, Award of Evangelic Youth, Germany, 2016
* Unabhängiges Filmfest Osnabrück, Germany, 2016
* Hyperfest Int. Student Film Festival, Romania, 2016
* Visionale Hessen, 1st prize, Germany, 2016
* Kasseler Dokfest, Germany, 2016
* Kurzfilmfestival Köln, WDR-Award, 2016
* Shorts on Work, Special Mention, Italy, 2016
* Int. Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg, Germany, 2017
* Imagine Science Film Festival NYC, USA, 2017
* Prädikat "besonders wertvoll", Filmbewertungsstelle, 2016
KurzFilmVerleih Hamburg |
Katholisches Filmwerk